First and foremost, if there is a safety concern, the HOA Board is not the first call to make! Anything considered an emergency (life, safety, fire) needs to be reported to the appropriate jurisdiction (e.g. fire department, police, 911).

The HOA Board is regulated by Oregon statute (Chapter 94, section 500), bylaws and CC&Rs governing docs. All decisions by the board must be made in an open board meeting, where all members have the opportunity to take part of the conversation. This includes taking any action on CC&R violations. Board meetings are scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month. Any actions regarding CC&R violations will be discussed at these meetings.

To Submit a CC&R Violation

To submit a CC&R violation to the Woodhaven Estates Board please send an email to (or click the button to the right) with details about the violation in question including dates, times, and address the violation occurred.

CC&R Violation Process

Once a violation is submitted to the board the following process is initiated:

  • Alleged violation is discussed at the next scheduled board meeting.

  • If confirmed that there is violation of a CC&R, the Board will contact the homeowner in violation, in writing, and request corrective action.

  • Homeowners then have 30 days to correct said violation to avoid further action by the Board. 

  • If the violation still exists after the 30 days, the Board will contact the homeowner in violation in writing, administering a fine* according to fine schedule, and providing second request for corrective action. 

  • If the violation still exists 30 days after the second request, the Board will contact the homeowner in violation, in writing, administering fines* according to fine schedule thereafter. 

For violations that cannot reasonably be cured within the original 30-day period, homeowner should provide the Board with written statement of intent to cure violation and actively pursuing said correction, HOA may waive fines during period of cure. 

*Homeowners will receive an invoice to pay fines.

Expectations from the Board

  • CC&R violations are submitted through the official channels above. Texts or emails to Board Member’s personal contact information or on any social media posts will not be responded to or any action taken.

  • All homeowners and Board members are to be respectful to each other in all communications.